Supplementary reports
A summary page of the supplementary reports for the two spatial development strategies.

Multi-Criteria Analysis, Twente Airport area and surroundings (002)
The Vliegwiel Twente Maatschappij (VTM), a company in formation, commissioned a Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) and a sensitivity analysis in order to asses the spatial development strategies for development of the Twente Airport area.
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Study of the impact of aviation around Twente Airport (003)
This memorandum describes the outcome of an analysis of the impact of Twente Airport traffic movements on the environment in terms of noise levels. The traffic movements were based on the traffic estimates of the so-called Del Canho & Engelfriet scenario, which took as starting point a transport scope of up to 1.2 million passengers, and a combination of the Del Canho & Engelfriet scenario and the relocation of Schiphol traffic up to 2.4 million passengers.
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Adecs Airinfra Results - Noise and ES Study (004)
This memorandum contains the data pertaining to the noise and external safety model and a summary of the scenarios. This memorandum describes the outcomes in terms of noise levels (Lden) and external safety risks (location-specific risk), based on the described data. The outcome of these calculations was depicted as contours on a geographical background.
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EIA PLAN for the Development of Twente Airport and the surrounding area (006)
The VTM has decided to follow the procedure of the Environmental Impact Report for the spatial development strategy. The aim of this procedure is to guarantee that environmental issues are given a rightful place in the decision-making process. In terms of legislation, this case also entails a planning/EIA obligation, because the spatial development strategy contains elements that in themselves have an EIA obligation, such as the development of large-scale recreational facilities and the possible Airport Decision.
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Archaeological desk research on Twente Airport (008)
The aim of this desk research was to obtain information about any existing and/or anticipated valuable archaeological items within or relevant to the study area.
The study resulted in the establishing of the expected value as regards archaeology and a proposal for a follow-up study and played a key role in the EIA’s impact description.
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Del Canho & Engelfriet December 2008 (012)
Market study on a Multifunctional Airport
The brief was to determine which concept for a multifunctional airport would be most promising and to analyse its feasibility. In this context, a ‘multifunctional airport’ is meant to describe an airport that also offers room for other activities besides transport.
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Twente as a fuel hub (015)
A feasibility study into the likelihood of overcapacity in the DPO (Defence Pipeline Organisation) and the possibility of creating a secondary pipeline to the former military airfield of Twente for utilisation in the region.
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Cost-benefit Analysis for Twente Airport (016)
The exploratory phase (phase 1) of the area development for Twente Airport was concluded in the summer of 2008. Various models with and without a regional civil airport were assessed. These models or scenarios were compared in terms of their economic effects. The analysis was concluded in June 2008 and served to support a recommendation to choose the most desirable and feasible models for an economically stronger and more sustainable Twente.
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The Oversticht valuation of Twente airbase (030)
Within the framework of the redevelopment of Twente airbase and its immediate environment, the VTM commissioned Oversticht (a centre of excellence for spatial quality and spatial heritage) to produce a cultural heritage valuation of the area.
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Market research on large-scale leisure (031)
Study on the feasibility of a large-scale pubic attraction at the former military airfield of Twente, commissioned by Vliegwiel Twente Maatschappij.
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KPMG CCWL market research, March 2009 (033)
Feasibility study of CCWL concept at the former military airfield of Twente
The VTM commissioned KPMG to assess the financial and social feasibility of the Care, Cure, Wellness and Leisure concept as part of ‘De Twentse Basis’ and of site plan A.
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Main report L.E.K. Consulting: ‘Twente Airport Demand analysis and evaluation’ April 2008 (34a)
At the time, the question of how the grounds of the former Twenthe airbase could best be developed was investigated; one of the options studied was an airport in several variants. Following a working visit to Airport Bristol UK, the question for LEK was whether a passenger-driven airport based on this example is possible in Twente. Airport Bristol is a passenger-driven airport located in a ‘green’ environment. It was therefore an interesting example of a development envisaging both nature and economic development in the form of an airport.
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Ascertaining the target group for residential environments at Twente Airport (041)
Vliegwiel Twente commissioned Motivaction International B.V. to conduct a study on the potential target groups for various special forms of housing under consideration in the various development plans for Twente airbase.
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Opportunities map for sustainable regional development, final report (052)
The Vliegwiel Twente Maatschappij, a company in formation, asked the Residential Environment Knowledge Centre of Saxion to draw up an opportunities map for sustainable regional development. This opportunities map outlines the possibilities for integrated sustainable regional development for the site of the former Defence airport of Twente, based on the two development models currently under consideration.
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T&G Airport to Careport (056)
Global market and concept analysis of care concepts
This report outlines the global market and concept analysis of the care concepts in the Twente Careport Concept (TCC). The study made use of desk research (internet, public research reports) and the experiences of care marketers. No consultations were held with care or financiers. Nor was a competition analysis made.
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Urban Fabric Quick-scan, Zuidkamp (058)
The ‘cultural heritage quick-scan’ was developed at the request of the Vliegwiel Twente Maatschappij. The aim of the study was to determine if and how the cultural heritage of Zuidkamp could be incorporated into the future developments.
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VTM Policy Memorandum on the limitations and assessment area (060)
Twente Airport policy memorandum on the limitations and assessment area
The aim of this memorandum is to identify the limitations and assessment area of an operational airport in terms of noise levels. This is a prerequisite for a draft/final Airport Decision and interchanges with the development of the airport area as it will be included in the spatial development strategy. Gaining insight into the external safety zones and relevant spatial consequences also forms part of this.
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Exploratory study of the access models for the redevelopment of Twente Airport (061)
With a view to the spatial development strategies for the redevelopment of Twente Airport, the VTM company in formation explored the possibilities for the safe coordination of traffic to and from the planning area for spatial development strategies A and B.
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Variants for watercourses around Twente Airport (064)
Administrative decision-making process by the Regge & Dinkel Water Board on the watercourse variants for the development of the Twente Airport area.
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